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24 Wilson Staff Duo Optix Matte Coloured Golf Balls (Pearl/Grade A)

Regular Price: £19.95

Special Price £16.95

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  • Product Description


    These 24 x Wilson Staff DUO OPTIX Matte assorted colour golf balls have been designed with a smaller core and is finished off with a semi-translucent, highly visible matte cover. They now generate more distance and easily stands out against the background. In excellent Pearl/Grade A condition.
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    You're reviewing: 24 Wilson Staff Duo Optix Matte Coloured Golf Balls (Pearl/Grade A)

Lake balls vary in quality. Please do not confuse our golf balls with some of the inferior products sold by some retailers. Take a look at our grading guide to help you choose the quality of golf ball you need and remember we will refund or replace if not completely satisfied.